Guidelines for Authors:

The Authors may submit articles electronically round the year following the guideline of journal. The editors reserve the right to reject articles without sending them out for review. Submitted articles should not have been previously published or be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Briefs and research notes are not published in this journal. Submitted articles must be within the scope of the journal. All articles go through a peer review policy.

Authors must acknowledge that they have read and agree to the content of the submitted article with an acceptable standard of good English grammar and usage.


Article Processing Charges (APC)
As an open access journal with no subscription charges, a fee (Article Processing Charge, APC) is payable by the author or research funder to cover the costs associated with publication.


Types of Articles
Authors must ensure that while submitting the article, it should fall under the appropriate category from the list of options:

  1. Original Research– Original research articles should describe confirmed findings and experimental methods should be given with sufficient details for others to verify the work. The length of an original article should describe and interpret the work clearly.
  2. Article Review– Review articles, often known as literature reviews or secondary sources, synthesize or assess primary source research. In general, they summarize the status of research in a certain area. Review articles usually focus on presenting and discussing recent developments in a field.
  3. Case Study– A case study is a detailed study of a specific area that involves researching a problem, often using an experiment or survey, and providing potential solutions from that research. It is an in-depth look at one research problem, looking at it from different angles and aspects.

Submission Checklist:
Author (s) can use this list to carry out a final check of article submission before sending it to the journal for peer review process. Authors should ensure to have the following items in the article which should be available:

  1. Authorship:
    Authorship provides credit and bears public responsibility for a researcher’s contribution to a study.
    1. Authors Contacts: Authors should have been designated with contact details: Full postal address, E-mail address, and ORCID or Scopus ID or provide link i.e. Google scholar etc in his/her corresponding address.
    2. Corresponding Authors (CAs):CAs is authors and act as a communicator between authors and the journal. CAs provides the basic requirements of articles to the Journal. Preferably CAs will be the principal author. This responsibility incorporates answering any future queries about methodology and materials. Ensure that the e-mail address is given, and the contact details are kept up to date by the corresponding author.
  2. Basic Requirements for the Article- A Brief Summary:
    1. Words Count: Not more than 5000 words (excluding Abstract, Methods, Tables, References, and figure legends).
    2. Page Range:Not more than 15 pages.
    3. Submitting File Size:Not more than 5MB (.doc/.docx/ PDF).
    4. Title:Not more than 50 words.
    5. Abstract:Minimum of 150 words and maximum of 250 words.
    6. Keywords:Minimum of 3 and maximum of 5 appropriate keywords.
    7. Font Name and Font Size:Times New Roman, Font Size 12, single or double column with 1.5 line spacing and justified.
    8. Figures:Not more than 5 figures. The figures should be in 300 dpi or more.
    9. Tables:Not more than 8 tables. The length of the table should not be more than 01 page.
    10. Figure Legends:Not more than 150 words per figure.
    11. Graphical Abstracts / Highlights files: 
    12. Supplemental files:Optional
    13. Spell and Grammar:
    14. Abbreviations:Not more than 10 abbreviations. Ensure consistency of abbreviations throughout the article.
    15. Declaration:Authors are required to include a declaration of accountability in the article, counting review-type articles that stipulate the involvement of each author. The level of detail differs; some subjects yield articles that consist of isolated efforts that are easily voiced in detail, while other areas function as group efforts at all stages. It should be after the conclusion and before the references.
      1. Conflicts of Interest/ Competing Interests:The article should not be under Conflict of Interest.
      2. Funding/ Grants/ Financial Support:Authors should detail if any financial support received.
      3. Ethical Approval and Consent to Participate:The authors must submit a statement that the study does not require ethical approval and consent to participate with evidence.
      4. Availability of Data and Material/ Data Access Statement:The Authors should mention source of research data and data access terms and conditions in the article.
      5. Authors Contributions:Authors should describe the role of each author if there is more than one author. See authorship for more details.
    16. References:Not more than 60 references.
    17. Referee suggestions:To be bestowed based on journal requirements.
    18. Footnote: Footnote should not be employed.

Article Format/Structure:
Article text file (ms word/pdf) should start with a title page that shows author affiliations and contact information, identifying the corresponding author with an asterisk. For the main body of the text, there are no specific requirements. It can be organized in a way that best suits the research.

Do not use ‘all capital’ letter in headings or subheadings, titles or subtitles.

However, the following structure will be suitable in many cases:

  1. Abstract:Do not incorporate any references in Abstract. Verify they serve both as a general introduction to the topic and as a brief, non-technical summary of the main results and their implications.
  2. Keywords/index terms:There should be appropriate keywords.
  3. Introduction:Articulate the objectives of the work and bestow an adequate background, avoiding a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results.
  4. Materials and Methods:Specify sufficient particulars to favour the work to be reproduced by an independent researcher. Methods that are already published should be illustrated and indicated by a reference. If quoting directly from a previously published method, use quotation marks and cite the source. Any modifications to existing methods should be proclaimed.
  5. Results (with subheadings if applicable):Results should be clear and concise.
  6. Discussion (without subheadings):This should explore the significance of the results of the work without repetition. A combined Results and Discussion section is often appropriate. Avoid extensive citations and discussion of published literature.
  7. Conclusion:The main conclusions of the study should be presented in a short Conclusions section, which may stand alone or form a subsection of a Discussion or Results and Discussion section.
  8. Acknowledgement:Individuals who imparted cooperation during the research (e.g. providing language help, writing assistance, or proof reading the article, etc.) should be listed here.
  9. Figures:Serial number of figure should be written in English numerical. Keep text in the illustrations themselves to a minimum but clearly explain all symbols and abbreviations used.
  10. Tables:All tables should be editable as text and not as images. Serial number of tables should be given in Roman numerical. Usually does not require any description of tables, avoid duplicity of the data presented in them described elsewhere in the article.
  11. References:Ensure that all references mentioned in the reference list are cited in the text and vice versa.


A concise and factual abstract is mandatory. The abstract should be structured, briefly state the intention of the research, the principal results and major conclusions. An abstract is often presented separately from the article, so it must be able to stand alone. It does not require references. Also uncommon abbreviations should be avoided, but if essential they must be defined at their first mention in the abstract itself.


Promptly after the abstract, bestow a maximum of 6 keywords, using American spelling and avoid general and plural terms and multiple concepts (avoid, for example, ‘and’, ‘of’). Be sparing with abbreviations: only abbreviations firmly established in the field will be eligible. These keywords will be used for indexing purposes.

Cover Letter:
The submission must also comprise a cover letter. In the cover letter, author should incorporate:

  1. The affiliation, and contact information of the corresponding author.
  2. The Affiliation of all co-authors.
  3. Declare that the submitted article was not published before in any other journal.


If author is reporting experiments on live vertebrates (or higher invertebrates), humans or human samples, author must comprise a statement of ethical approval in the Methods


Edit references are not copied. Therefore, it is essential that the author formats them accurately, as they will be linked electronically to external databases where feasible. So, when formatting references, ensure that:

  1. Run sequentially (and are always numerical).
  2. Only have one publication associated to each number.
  3. Only comprise articles or datasets that have been published or accepted by a named publication, recognized preprint server or data repository (if author include any preprints of accepted papers in reference list, ensure to submit them with the article).
  4. Incorporate published conference abstracts and numbered patents if authors wish.

In reference list, author should:

  1. Incorporate all authors unless there are six or more, in that case 6 author should be mentioned, followed by ‘et al.’
  2. Classify authors by last name first, followed by a comma and initials (followed by full stops) of given names.
  3. Adopt Roman text for Article and dataset titles, with only the first word of the title having an initial capital and written exactly as it appears in the work cited ending with a full stop.
  4. Apply Italics for book titles, giving all words in the title an initial capital.
  5. Apply Italics for journal and data repository names, abbreviating them according to common usage (with full stops).
  6. Contribute the full-page range (or article number) where appropriate.



            Published Article in journal

            Burks RT, Morgan J. Anatomy of the lateral ankle ligaments. Am J Sports Med 1994;

            22 (1): 53-67  


Alaszewski A. COVID-19 and Risk: Policy Making in a Global Pandemic. Policy Press; 2021.

Book chapter:

Wynick D, Bloom SR. Islet cell tumors. In: Grossman A. Clinical Endocrinology. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1992: 502-511.


Personal Author:

Adam RD, Victor M. Principles of Neurology. 5th Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1993.


Editor(s) or Compiler(s):

Diener HC, Wilkinson M, editors. Drug-induced headache. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1988.


Organization as author:

Virginia Law Foundation. The Medical and legal implications of AIDS. Charlottesville: The Foundation, 1987.


Online Material:

Babichev SA, Ries, J. & Lvovsky, A. I. Quantum scissors: teleportation of single-   mode optical states by means of a nonlocal single photon. Preprint at (2002).


Website citation:

Pelc C. Prescription steroids affect brain structure, study finds. Published September 6, 2022. Accessed September 8, 2022.


Aggregate acknowledgements in a separate section at the end of the article before the references and do not, therefore, include them on the title page, as a footnote to the title or otherwise. List here those individuals who contributed cooperation during the research (e.g. providing language help, writing assistance or proof reading the article etc.).


Author Contributions:
The author must supply an Author Contribution Statement as described in the Author Responsibilities section.

Please be aware:

  1. The author’s name which author gives as the corresponding author will be the main contact amid the review process and should not be changed.
  2. The information author bestows in the submission system will be used as the source of truth when his/her article is published.